
class PresentationParameters : System.Object
int DefaultPresentRate
SurfaceFormat BackBufferFormat

Get or set the format of the back buffer.

int BackBufferHeight

Get or set the height of the back buffer.

int BackBufferWidth

Get or set the width of the back buffer.

readonly Rectangle Bounds

Get the bounds of the back buffer.

System.IntPtr DeviceWindowHandle

Get or set the handle of the window that will present the back buffer.

DepthFormat DepthStencilFormat

Get or set the depth stencil format for the back buffer.

bool IsFullScreen

Get or set a value indicating if we are in full screen mode.

bool HardwareModeSwitch

If .. code-block:: csharp

true the T:Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice will do a mode switch
when going to full screen mode. If
int MultiSampleCount

Get or set the multisample count for the back buffer.

PresentInterval PresentationInterval

Get or set the presentation interval.

DisplayOrientation DisplayOrientation

Get or set the display orientation.

RenderTargetUsage RenderTargetUsage

Get or set the RenderTargetUsage for the back buffer. Determines if the back buffer is cleared when it is set as the render target by the T:Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice. T:Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice target.

public void Clear()

Reset all properties to their default values.

public PresentationParameters Clone()

Create a copy of this T:Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.PresentationParameters instance.
