
enum BlendFunction : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible

Defines a function for color blending.

BlendFunction Add

The function will adds destination to the source. (srcColor * srcBlend) + (destColor * destBlend)

BlendFunction Subtract

The function will subtracts destination from source. (srcColor * srcBlend) − (destColor * destBlend)

BlendFunction ReverseSubtract

The function will subtracts source from destination. (destColor * destBlend) - (srcColor * srcBlend)

BlendFunction Min

The function will extracts minimum of the source and destination. min((srcColor * srcBlend),(destColor * destBlend))

BlendFunction Max

The function will extracts maximum of the source and destination. max((srcColor * srcBlend),(destColor * destBlend))