
enum TextureFilter : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible

Defines filtering types for texture sampler.

TextureFilter Linear

Use linear filtering.

TextureFilter Point

Use point filtering.

TextureFilter Anisotropic

Use anisotropic filtering.

TextureFilter LinearMipPoint

Use linear filtering to shrink or expand, and point filtering between mipmap levels (mip).

TextureFilter PointMipLinear

Use point filtering to shrink (minify) or expand (magnify), and linear filtering between mipmap levels.

TextureFilter MinLinearMagPointMipLinear

Use linear filtering to shrink, point filtering to expand, and linear filtering between mipmap levels.

TextureFilter MinLinearMagPointMipPoint

Use linear filtering to shrink, point filtering to expand, and point filtering between mipmap levels.

TextureFilter MinPointMagLinearMipLinear

Use point filtering to shrink, linear filtering to expand, and linear filtering between mipmap levels.

TextureFilter MinPointMagLinearMipPoint

Use point filtering to shrink, linear filtering to expand, and point filtering between mipmap levels.