
class SkinnedEffect : Effect, System.IDisposable, IEffectMatrices, IEffectLights, IEffectFog

Built-in effect for rendering skinned character models.

int MaxBones
Matrix World

Gets or sets the world matrix.

Matrix View

Gets or sets the view matrix.

Matrix Projection

Gets or sets the projection matrix.

Vector3 DiffuseColor

Gets or sets the material diffuse color (range 0 to 1).

Vector3 EmissiveColor

Gets or sets the material emissive color (range 0 to 1).

Vector3 SpecularColor

Gets or sets the material specular color (range 0 to 1).

float SpecularPower

Gets or sets the material specular power.

float Alpha

Gets or sets the material alpha.

bool PreferPerPixelLighting

Gets or sets the per-pixel lighting prefer flag.

Vector3 AmbientLightColor

Gets or sets the ambient light color (range 0 to 1).

readonly DirectionalLight DirectionalLight0

Gets the first directional light.

readonly DirectionalLight DirectionalLight1

Gets the second directional light.

readonly DirectionalLight DirectionalLight2

Gets the third directional light.

bool FogEnabled

Gets or sets the fog enable flag.

float FogStart

Gets or sets the fog start distance.

float FogEnd

Gets or sets the fog end distance.

Vector3 FogColor

Gets or sets the fog color.

Texture2D Texture

Gets or sets the current texture.

int WeightsPerVertex

Gets or sets the number of skinning weights to evaluate for each vertex (1, 2, or 4).

public void SetBoneTransforms(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix[] boneTransforms)

Sets an array of skinning bone transform matrices.

  • boneTransforms (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix[]) –
public Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix[] GetBoneTransforms(int count)

Gets a copy of the current skinning bone transform matrices.

  • count (int) –
public Effect Clone()

Creates a clone of the current SkinnedEffect instance.

public void EnableDefaultLighting()

Sets up the standard key/fill/back lighting rig.

void OnApply()

Lazily computes derived parameter values immediately before applying the effect.