
class EffectProcessor : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.ContentProcessor<EffectContent, CompiledEffectContent>, IContentProcessor

Processes a string representation to a platform-specific compiled effect.

EffectProcessorDebugMode DebugMode

The debug mode for compiling effects.

Value:The debug mode to use when compiling effects.
string Defines

Define assignments for the effect.

Value:A list of define assignments delimited by semicolons.
public CompiledEffectContent Process(EffectContent input, ContentProcessorContext context)

Processes the string representation of the specified effect into a platform-specific binary format using the specified context.

  • input (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics.EffectContent) – The effect string to be processed.
  • context (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.ContentProcessorContext) – Context for the specified processor.

A platform-specific compiled binary effect.