

This documentation is for an internal class. This class is not intended to be used by developers, and is used internally within the engine to provide functionality.

Information documented here may not be up to date.

class ConsoleEventListener : System.Object, Protogame.IEventListener<IGameContext>

Handles incoming events and passes them to the in-game console when appropriate.

public bool Handle(IGameContext gameContext, Protogame.IEventEngine<IGameContext> eventEngine, Event event)

Handles the event as appropriate for the in-game console.

  • gameContext (Protogame.IGameContext) – The current game context.
  • eventEngine (Protogame.IEventEngine<IGameContext>) – The current event engine.
  • event (Protogame.Event) – The event that is being handled.

The T:System.Boolean.